Fallout New Vegas Holorifle

🗡️ Holorifle is a weapon in Fallout Vegas Commands. Click to see and compare its stats, including damage per shot, damager per second, critical chance multipler and more. Find the best weapon for you. Today I show you the unique weapon Holorifle in Fallout: New Vegas and spin your head with some interesting facts and glitches with the weapon! For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Do you prefer the YCS/186 or the HoloRifle?' Holorifle (Dead Money). This changes ever 10 levels or so but for now it was a really tough choice between this badboy and the Gauss rifle. I really do love the Gauss but it’s low RoF and heftiness makes me reach for it only when in intense battles and for critical hit lulz. Holorifle is basically a scoped shotgun and the riot shotgun is by far better than the holorifle with more ammo per shot, more ammo choices and higher DPS. In Fallout 3 all you needed was a plasma rifle and you were good to go. A trial carbine outclasses a plasma rifle in this game. New vegas, Henry.

Content of the article: '(Fallout 3/ New Vegas) DLCs in Favorite orders'

Fallout 3

  1. Broken Steel Don’t actually really care for the continuing main story part but what I do care for is the fact that I get to play after beating the game and 10 extra levels so this is a required DLC IMO

  2. The Pitt

I always loved going to The Pitt, the atmosphere was so cool to look at, the weapons were great, and I usually sided with Werhner because I thought the people needed the cure NOW but I realize ashur was probably a better choice

  1. Operation Anchorage

Going into this DLC on very hard more was a bitch to say the least, but other wise this was a pretty fun simulation of the Sino-American war, plus the Gary 23 glitch plus pick pocketing the Power Armored Soldiers is fucking OP as shit for really any build, and the loot from it is also great, whole set of t51b and a stealth suit AND winterized combat armor (from Gary of course)

  1. Point Lookout

I dunno, this DLC never hit for me, I don’t know why because it seems pretty cool, I’ll probably end up playing it again and enjoying it but my first playthough was fucking horrendous. Which is probably why I didn’t like it as much. I didn’t know how to navigate the place for the life of me. I like the part where you get high tho, and I do very much like the Haley max repair glitch too.

  1. Mothership Zeta

This DLC was fucking stupid, Aliens? Being the reason the nukes were dropped? Come on bruh! The loot imo wasn’t that good to me either just because I’m not really an Energy Weapons Dude, that katana and Paulsons Revolver were pretty sick tho, I always end up getting the two killed just to get their shit. I also can appreciate the lady who also has max repair, I’m gonna keep a tab on her and see if I can always go to her for repairs and maybe I’ll play this dlc more.

New Vegas

  1. Gun Runners Arsenal

Very helpful DLC indeed, I’m usually a courier who takes things into their own hands, and while everything was expensive as shit from that dlc, the weapons were fucking AMAZING, Two Step Goodbye gang where u at?

  1. Lonesome Road

That was an experience to say the least, what with the ugly fucks in the Tunnels, the marked men, the laser detonator Missile glitch (I’m a glitch abuser if you haven’t noticed) and generally everything about the DLC were very fun. Seeing The Courier and Ulysses fight to the death or work together against an army of Marked men was fucking awesome. Definitely a 8/10 on my part

  1. Old World Blues

I thought this DLC was gonna be pretty ass, but my first time playing though it was actually pretty damn fun, I got some cool shit, I think I got a talking stealth armor, and this dlc had some pretty funny dialogue, plus, just fucking going to Big MT you lose your brain, spine, and heart, but that’s not a bad thing is it? Especially since you can always ask for it back and have a better version your brain, spine, and heart.

  1. Honest Hearts

This DLC was lackluster for me honestly, the weapons were pretty lame for my stage in the game, and Joshua Graham was cool as shit, but he couldn’t carry this DLC. I also didn’t want to have to use True Iron Sights off just to use the Survivalist Rifle how it should’ve been anyways

  1. Courier’s Stash

This a convenience dlc at most, and it’s quite good at that, it’s a nice help for the early game, but that’s just about it, half the time I don’t even end up using the damn armors and shit and just stick with one and sell the rest to Chet or Vendortron when I speedrun all the way to Gun Runners. Useful indeed, but not later.

  1. Dead Money

Fuck, where do I start with this, I’ll start with the good. The Holorifle is my favorite gun from new Vegas and is probably my favorite in all of Fallout, and it was definitely something absolutely necessary for this dlc, because other wise I would probably skip this if it weren’t for what I was gonna talk about next. The Vendor Glitch is absolutely OP, an unlimited amount of stims and ammo and all the shit that it gives you, if you grind the entire dlc to get all the tapes then wait the atrocious amount of in game time required to do the glitch. It sounds good on paper, but it did not carry me through the cons of this dlc. The fucking main enemies, I forgot their names because I haven’t played this in a fat minute. Those fuckers were stupid annoying, the fact that a holorifle crit occasionally didn’t kill them, or the fact that the holorifle took a couple of shots to kill these fuckers made this dlc very sour for me. One thing that also peeved me was the fact that we couldn’t go back after the DLC was done, it affected the entire rep of the DLC for me.

Alright, i’m done ranting. Leave your favorites in the comments or something. Fuck Zeta and DM

Source: reddit.com

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Proper name

Alright, I need to know, what is the proper pip-boy name for this gun, because even though I set up this article to be the main one, I'm wondering if Holo-rifle was the right formatting. I don't have the xbox version of NV and therefore cannot correct this without outside verification. Mediocrity Goggles 00:46, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

In the xbox its non hyphenated. Just Holorifle


I found a security code to unlock the 'Holo rifle focusing lens' at vending machines. It adds +3 dmg to the gun (just like laser rifle focusing lens) Can't remember exactly where I found it but I didn't have to check every nook and cranny it was in plain view. Anyway i'm wondering if there could be more mods that I just didn't find (is that something you could check with the GECK?) and when someone else finds it please add it to the page 'cause as I said earlier, I don't remember where I got it. --anonymous--

The Focusing lens is found in the Bell tower, you go there for part of a quest. 05:41, December 22, 2010 (UTC)

I have the directions to find the holorifle advanced calibration mod: Go to the cafe in puesta del sol south , then go upstairs and take the southern exit. Then turn right without falling from the edge and you should come across a taller building. If you look carefully , there's a ramp on its left side (when lookin to the west) : climb it and ,to your right, the code for the mod should be laying on the ground , along with some drained MF cells . vvhh1 december 22, 2010

Is it possible to mod the holorile with all 3 mods!!??

Picture pwease?

I'm a PS3 player, so I can't get Dead Money for a while and really want to see all the weapons. But no-one seems to have a picture or at the least screenshot of the Holorifle. And I dow ant to see what it looks like.

BTW Merry Christmas.

will boone use this like a rifle

i know companions are supost to have a bonus effect with the type of weapon they favor i dont know what the bonus is and to what kind of effect it was if its just raul being abel to hit a target better with a 9mm piltol that boone would or whatever anyway im wondering if boone will treat this like a rifle or energy weapon im guessing energy weapon if so thats pritty cool i guess finaly i could use arcade as a companion allthough i will have to wait about half a year for the game of the year edition to come out

Hunting Shotgun? Really?

Who claimed that this weapon uses parts from a hunting Shotgun? It mentions in the damn intro of the article it's built off of a grenade launcher... Please, somebody fix that.

Hunting Shotgun? Really? YES!!!


How do you think you will find grenade launcher in sierra madre???

You don't need to find one Elijah built it

Seriously, arguing that these two are not almost exactly the same is willful ignorance.

It's obviously the grenade launcher. Reasoning:

-Visually too large to be the hunting shotgun. The shotgun's barrel and magazine tube are much smaller.

-Four round magazine capacity, an MF cell is about the same size as a 40mm grenade. Guess the capacity of the grenade launcher? 4 rounds.

-I'm not blind. Just look.

It doesn't have to be possible to acquire one inside the sierra Madre, Elijah did that bit. It's needless speculation to say you can't get one in.

You're really smart. Oh wait, I mean there are absolutely no differences between a grenade launcher and a laser gun that shoots freekin' holograms! We all know they look alike. Get over it. A 9mm isn't the same as 10mm, but their ammunition looks to be about the same size! The Milkman 05:47, September 13, 2011 (UTC)

The thing is that...

Well,what about shell jumping out???

What about it?

The Grenade launcher has an ejection port too, you know... And as far as I can see from youtube videos the MF cell is ejected just like the 40mm shells from the Grenade launcher.

Also, how would the MF Cell get out of the Hunting shotgun? The hole in the side just isn't big enough.

I can't firgure this gun out

What is so special about this weapon that it had to have it's own DLC for an introduction? Does it do amazing-super-awesome damage? I tried shooting ghost people with it and all it did was knock them unconscious, no severed limbs. CAN it even disintegrate them? When I saw this gun, I thought maybe it would be the one weapon that could kill security holograms, but no dice. Zac hemker 18:05, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

LOL yes its literally a powerful energy rifle, probably one of the most powerful in the game with all mods..its got a decent DPS, high damage (I believe I have over 120 in damage with 83 in energy skill) and after I read a magazine, this badboy is capable of taking down most enemies all too easily (giant radscorpions literraly turn to dust when im sniping them lol) this is pretty much one of the best sniping energy weapon..probably because your able to keep a aim on an enemy in case you miss (you have 3 shots after the first)so yes..this gun is probably well worth it :3

It's not one of the most powerful, it IS the most powerful (probably absurdly so). Ranger Sarina 18:00, January 29, 2011 (UTC)


I still found it disappointing. The projectiles travel too slowly to warrant a scope and I just don't like the repurposed Grenade Launcher chassis. Zac hemker 05:51, July 10, 2011 (UTC)

well, yes... but...

you need to find the upgrades before you can use it to it's fullest potential. it rarely vaporizes people, which is cool because it leaves behind more loot... I think, and it's really the best energy rifle I have, other than YCS-186, but YCS-186 takes a while before it can fire again. It's also pretty cool to look at your targets when you use it on them.

Actually vaporizing enemies has no effect on how much loot they leave behind. If you search their ash piles you'll find everything they had on them. I don't know if it effects their armor condition or not, although I suspect not. Zac hemker 23:48, January 21, 2011 (UTC)


I'm just confirming that when having the reinforcements parts mod, this gun doesn't lose any damage. I have all 3 mods + Energy skills at 86 + using Microfusion Cells Max Charge and it kills anything easy. I went to the Deathclaw Promintary (I think it's spelled that) and had 2 stealth boys and this gun and one shot killed everything there. Dunno about the Alpha claws cause I nuked them, but yeah, this gun is invincible and awesome.

What does it really look like?

I just started playing a few days ago and it sounds like this thing looks a little weird or something. I've also noticed that their are no good pictures for Dead Moneys stuff for some reason. All of them looks like their out of a book.

A book would be better than an Xbox.

Fallout New Vegas Holorifle Mods

Found or made?

I'm somewhat confused here. If I recall correct, Elijah does mention having found it as well as built it. Could it be that he found a seriously damaged Holorifle and 'made it working' or did he 'found' some schematics and 'built' the weapon from it?. To add a little bit to its appearence: in both the cases 'found' and 'built', the Grenade Launcher is probably nothing more than an appropriate casing for the tech that's inside it, with parts of it fixed to the exterior. In case of 'found' (and repaired) it could be that a pre-war engineer used the Grenade Launcher as a template for the casing of the weapon, in case of 'built' Elijah must have thought the same thing as the engineer in the previous situation. PS. I like this weapon.... a lot. Radnus 03:38, February 24, 2011 (UTC)

According to the radio signal you pick from him, he made it. 03:56, February 24, 2011 (UTC)
So did he find ones in the Big Empty, take a look at them, and then MacGuyver one together to give to whatever poor sap he lured into Sierra Madre rather than risk losing a pristine model to the Ghost people? Or is this some crappy old version he didn't mind losing? 02:54, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
He did mind losing it, as he says in the same signal, that he spent forever making it and he most get it back when this is all done. However he does not state that he based it off any tech he found in the Big Empty, so I have no what source that detail came from. Although the Big Empty is full of Old World tech, it might state in a dialogue file that he did or someone is assuming that he did since he recently visited the place. 19:00, February 27, 2011 (UTC)
Quick look and I found in the dialogue files that he also states that the technology, like the holograms that roam the casino, came from the Big Empty. So I would say he built it based on technology garnished from the Big Empty. 19:14, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

Reloading of a Shotgun?

Sorry, but only people who do not play with an explosive build say the realoading is like the Hunting Shotgun, it reloads exactly like the Grenade Launcher. Brfritos 22:33, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

I dont know why people are argueing, a quick look at the GECk tells you that, you guessed it, it uses the same animation as both the grenade rifle and the hunting shot gun. In fact all 3 use the same animation and all reload at 0.4667 seconds per shell/pack. 23:34, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

basically, it reloads like a grenade rifle, but fires like a hunting shotgun. right? folf182 23:33, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

Basically it reloads like both the Hunting shotgun and the grenade rifle, since they all use the same reload animation, the only difference being the actual models used and size. As for firing it uses the same animation as the Hunting shotgun, but not the Grenade rifle. 00:41, March 3, 2011 (UTC)
It fires exactly like the grenade rifle also. Brfritos 01:58, March 3, 2011 (UTC)
Well that's where you are wrong, the GECK clearly states that it doesn't use the grenade rifles animation for firing. It may look similar, but it is not the same. It is not a point of contention, it is simply fact of the game mechanics. 02:05, March 3, 2011 (UTC)

Gotta love Pointless discussions

Essentually 90% of what's above this is just 'it is based off a Grenade Launcher!' 'No it's based off a Hunting Shotgun!' Truth is, it doesn't matter. It is an Energy Weapon, you get it for free by simply entering the Sierra Madre, it has a Scope, uses easy to obtain ammo and it deals increadible damage when fully modded and loaded with Maxcharge MF cells. - FieryWrath 22:24, March 5, 2011 (UTC)

Unlimitted HP cap for Holorifle.

At PC version the Holorifle Mod: Holorifle reinf. components, make the Holorifle to have no limit on hp. That doesn't make it undestructible as many other people said but it can be used like forever without repair. Also you can sell it for a lot of caps using a large amount of weapon repair kits (I manage to reach 152000 weapon value with almost 70 weapon repair kits). I don't know if it changes anything but I already had also the Holorifle adv. calibration installed on the Holorifle.

Absolute0 17:22, March 10, 2011 (UTC)


Please, does someone know what is the spread when adv calibration modded ? 20:26, March 26, 2011 (UTC)

Added info to the page. 20:44, March 26, 2011 (UTC)
Thanks ! 21:18, March 26, 2011 (UTC)


Is the DoT 15 for 3 seconds (45) or 15 over 3 seconds (meaning 5/sec)

Companions cannot use?

Hi, I'm playing the game on xbox and recently gave the holorifle to Arcade with ammo and everything, he equips it, but when combat begins he switches to his unique defender pistol. What I want to know is if this is a common problem for all companions, or just restricted to Arcade?BillyH666 20:07, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

Step 1. Check the Condition- If the gun is at a low enough condition that it's DPS is lower than his default he will switch to his plasma defender. Step 2. Check the ammo- Companions cannot use most ammo types other than standard ammunition, if you have given him max charge or overcharge rounds, it will not work.Step 3. Check you companion's stats, companions will not equip weapons unless they have equal to or more than the skill requirement for the corresponding weapon.Step 4. Check the GECK- Some weapons are slated as player only in the GECK causing them to be unusable to anyone but the player, if this is one of those weapons, there is no way a Follower or any NPC can wield this weapon without going into the GECK and editing the weapon's characteristics.--Chaos Reigns 11:57, May 30, 2011 (UTC)

Step 2 is flawed, companions will use any type of ammunition, but only one type of them. If you give them regular and special ammo at the same time, they will always use the regular ones. As the weapon itself, Gannon will only switch his weapon for another EW with more DPS than a Plasma Defender. The Holofire has less. Brfritos 06:46, June 6, 2011 (UTC)

Effected by Cowboy perk?

I'm curious on whether this is effected by Cowboy perk, as it is technically a lever-action weapon. I'm on 360 so can't check myself. Also, is this weapon really as powerful as people say it is? I keep hearing it's on par with Gauss Rifle but I haven't seen any evidence of this in game. Have relevant str, perks, and upgraded fully...

~Anonymous of the Wastes 7/15/11

No. It is a pump action weapon, not lever action. Furthermore, it is an energy weapon, not a gun.

It is arguably more powerful than a gauss rifle. A critted head-shot will one-shot an alpha male deathclaw on normal difficulty. And it only uses 1 MFC per shot.

Yes, it really is that powerful

First off, the Holorifle is not affected the Cowboy perk because it is not a shotgun. Keep in mind that Elijah constructed it with whatever materials he could find. He had to escape the Big Empty, because Ulysses showed up to fight him. Therefore, it would make sense that he cobbled various mechanisms together to create the Holorifle. It clearly has parts from a grenade launcher and clearly has a shotgun's breech-loading mechanism; however, those parts make it neither a shotgun nor a grenade launcher.

Next, the Holorifle really is as powerful as people say it is. The ammunition it uses is relatively common and it has a night scope, a rare component in the Mojave Wasteland. Additionally, it does damage over time, so it obviates most forms of armor and chews right away at the target's health. The strengths of the Holorifle in a nutshell are as follows:

1. It can function as a short-to-mid range weapon.2. It corrodes the target's health, making fewer shots necessary.3. The ammunition it uses is relatively abundant.4. It has a night scope.

Fallout New Vegas Holorifle Mods Locations

Cornelius Plautus 15:53, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Small note: Grenade Launcher's loading mechanism. 17:13, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

set lasers for fun

I wonder if it is affected by 'Set lasers for fun'. Unlike 'laser commander' and 'plasma spaz' this prize perk must affect ALL energy weapons, but I am not entirely sure about Holorifle.


If the Holorifle can't be repaired through jury-rigging why does the table list it under the Energy Weapons (Other) category? 22:43, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Well... shit.

Fallout New Vegas Holorifle Upgrades

This is pretty worthless for someone who doesn't use the energy skill.i swear it's like shooting bubbles at things. I'd rather use the police pistol than this. --Felix Brehh 06:07, October 15, 2011 (UTC)

Fallout 4 Holorifle Mod Location

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