One Piece New Episode 830

Watch and download One Piece English Dubbed and Subbed in HD on Anime Network! ONE PIECE online for free in high quality. 2 years, 8 months ago 829. 2 years, 8 months ago. Everyone Together! Luffy, Setting Out for the New World! 8 years, 10 months ago 521. The Battle is on! How would you rate episode 830 of One Piece? With the new generation of consoles fast approaching and more emphasis than ever on bigger, grander, weightier worlds and stakes, Atelier Ryza 2 is.

Chapter 830: A MAN YOU CAN BET ON

Welcome readers, to the OPP Editorial Team Manga Recap Review Thing (patent pending!). These review recaps are meant to give readers of the site a concise write-up of what happened in One Piece this week, along with our thoughts on the chapter as a whole.

In this chapter, Jimbei leaves two pirate crews for Luffy-sempai. Big Mom wants to play a deadly game. Finally, the Straw Hats learn about Pedro’s past and the dangers of not termite proofing the Sunny.

Our chapter opens on a bang with Jimbei leaving the Sun Pirates. At first, he tries to convince his former crew of Luffy’s importance in the world, even though he is young and brash. He believes in Luffy and his dream, because Jimbei also has a seemingly impossible dream. Despite everything, Jimbei wants to help the young pirate becoming the next pirate king, because he will help win true freedom for the fishman.

This scene is great for building up Jimbei’s character and why he wants to support Luffy and be part of the Straw Hats. This is a good catch up for the readers after such a long time since the Fishman Island arc. To the surprise of no one, the Sun Pirates are all supportive of Jimbei’s decision. He has been speaking highly of Luffy for two years now, and his crew known just how much he has sacrificed for fishman freedom. For once, Jimbei gets to make a selfish decision and do what he thinks is best for his people.

Though Jimbei is cool, I was not one of the people excited to see the big blue shark join the crew. I’m still not certain how this whole story will go down, but this scene definitely convinced me that Jimbei should be with Luffy. In what capacity, who can really say. He might join the crew proper, or become one of Luffy’s Grand Fleet Commanders.

One Piece New Episode 830

Jimbei’s celebration is cut short by Aladdin, the former first mate and doctor of the Sun Pirates. He has been with Jimbei the longest, and expresses his concerns about how Big Mom will take his resignation. Turns out I was almost right from last weeks Recap Review and OPP Predicts. Jimbei is not one of Big Mom’s husbands, but one of her children did marry Aladdin.

We’re introduced to Charlotte Praline, which is basically a fancy type of peanut brittle, the 29th daughter of Big Mom who also happens to be a half hammerhead shark mermaid. So we now know that merfolk can also breed with humans. I like Praline, she’s a feisty shark lady who is not afraid to give other people a piece of her mind. She’s also in a decent relationship with Aladdin, and she choose him over her own mother if the Sun Pirates are caught up in the crossfire. Jimbei asks her if Big Mom will forgive him for leaving her crew and Praline is honest with him, saying no one has ever survived leaving the Big Mom Pirates.

Back on Whole Cake Island, the happiest place on the planet, Moscato has died a horrifying death at the hands of his own mother. He will be missed. I guess.

Well okay, this one kid seems to be really heartbroken at the death of Moscato, but no one really cares and he is carried away by the cream man. Does the cream man have the Cream Cream Fruit? Anyway, some knight soldiers take away Moscato’s body and one of Big Mom’s sons gives some mysterious orders to these weird black blobs. This whole scene is very confusing and we most likely aren’t going to get any answers until much later in the arc. Who are these blob monsters, and why do they have to take care of every last second? The plot thickens. I guess.

Inside of Big Mom’s castle, Jimbei has delivered the news of his departure. Some of the snacks are distraught over this news but Big Mom seems unfazed as she eats them. Big Mom has a rule to never ask someone why they are leaving her crew, as it is seen as weak. She’s a pirate, so she knows that pirates are stubborn and want freedom. However, Jimbei drank of the ritual cups with her, and having that sacred drink thrown back in her face is a grave insult. She is losing a powerful warrior, so she can’t just let him leave without paying a price. Big Mom has a big roulette wheel brought out to decide Jimbei’s fate.

I’ve got a big problem with this wheel. How the heck does this thing even work? This looks way more like a dart board, and I think that’s how it’s going to be used in the future. This just does not make sense if it’s a roulette wheel. Anyway, rant over, let’s talk about this wheel. If we’re going by dart board logic, all of the numbers indicate the amount of life the person loses, with 10 being the best result. Then you’ve got all the various body parts such as the leg and arm. If the dart lands on those, you lose that limb. You also have Big Mom’s head, which I’m guessing means it’s Big Mom gets to choose your fate, so probably instant death. Finally, you have the bullseye, which is basically that slim chance you get to leave without punishment. If it’s a roulette wheel then I have no idea anymore.

That’s where Jimbei and Big Mom’s story ends and we get to catch up with the Straw Hat Minks Alliance Supreme (I’m working on a better name). Our crew is stuck in the sea at night because the jelly water solidifies due to the cold. Anyone ill prepared for this will be eaten by the giant ants who stalk the water during this time. Luckily, best Straw Hat Brook put them to sleep with his music. Yay! They are also able to traverse the sea at night thanks to Pedro’s knowledge of the area. He traversed this sea in the past with Pekoms and a pirate crew. They were young and inexperienced, and Pedro believed they were just explorers (bullcrap!) which caused him to end up with a bounty.

The reason Pedro sailed the sea with Pekoms was to steal Big Mom’s Ponegliff for Cat Viper. His final voyage brought the crew into Big Mom’s territory where he suffered a horrible loss. He came along with the Furry Straw Hats (still working on it) in hopes of using his experience to save Sanji, and maybe something more. I’m watching you Pedro!

Pedro also expresses his surprise at Cat Viper and Dogstorm showing Luffy the Road Ponegliff. It has been 26 years since they showed someone the Ponegliff, and that was Gold Roger. When Luffy beats Kaido, he will need Big Mom’s Road Ponegliff, so Pedro will go on the island alone to steal it. Everyone is worried for Pedro, but Brook just comments that this change of heart is all because of Luffy and the star he was born under. That same star is the reason Brook sails with Luffy even now. Before we can get any sappier, the ants wake up and begin terrorizing the crew.

And now! Finally! We reach the part that made me do a spit take. Last page, bottom panel, behind Carrot.


I checked, she did not show up when the Straw Hats were sailing the Sunny at night. Somehow, the picked up a stowaway! Who is this mysterious woman? At first I thought it was Nami, but then I noticed the spears and wondered, why would Nami be carrying spears when she can control the weather. Also, the armor kind of looks like Nami’s Film Z armor, but it just does not make any sense! In the next panel she’s wearing regular clothes. Below is the next panel with Nami for comparison. It could definitely just be a strange artistic choice by Oda to put Nami in armor to protect against the ants, even though like I just said, she can control the weather! It just doesn’t sit right with me.

Anyway, the Garchu Crew (maybe?) make it to Whole Cake Island, and Luffy spots someone waiting for them on the shore.

That’s the end of the chapter. Lots of set up for an eventual payoff down the road. Unfortunately, set up chapters don’t leave a lot of room for analysis. And since this is not a place for theories (go check out OPP Predicts!), that just means we’re going to have to cut it short this week.

But wait! We’ve still got:

Best and Worst of the Week!

For me, the best part was Jimbei leaving his crew. Going back through the chapter, you get a sense that this is something that should be happening. Jimbei has made sacrifice after sacrifice for his people, and now he finally gets to break free of those chains. What that freedom will cost will hopefully be revealed in the next chapter. I also surprisingly liked Praline. For some reason, that hammerhead shark won me over in the brief time she was in this chapter and I wanted to see more of her. She also represents just how vast Big Mom’s influence can reach if she can even use merfolk and fishman children to her advantage. This was definitely the highlight of the chapter.

Now, the worst part was easy for me after reading through the chapter a couple of times. Going through the whole story of the Road Ponegliff with Pedro was very boring when we’ve had a great moment like this already back on Zou. This part felt like a rehash and did not directly serve the plot in anyway other than to give Pedro some motivation. It could have been cut down by a page and just had Pedro say he was impressed that Cat Viper and Dogstorm put their faith in Luffy.

That’s all for now. Tell me what you thought of the chapter in the comments, and read OPP Predicts to get your One Piece theorizing fix.

And remember, if you have any complaints, take it up with someone who can fight back.

One Piece Episode 930 has finally been released on 28th June 2020 just as we expected and you can go watch it on Funimation.

The anime was delayed for the longest period of the time but finally it will be releasing tomorrow worldwide and we will update the links to the episode once they are out.

We recommend you to watch it on official anime streaming websites and let us know how you liked it.

Every Sunday people are trying to find the upcoming episode only to get disappointed by not seeing the episode online.

One Piece New Episode 830

One Piece New Episode 910

However, it cannot be helped. Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, the world is in the midst of quarantine and everyone is encouraged to do social distancing. The Japanese Govt. has issued orders about working and quarantining.

Due to this, several anime studios are unable to work efficiently. A lot of seasonal anime is being delayed to a later date, like Re: Zero, Food Wars and so many more. Amongst them is the long-running One Piece and Black Clover as well.

One Piece is considered to be one of the Big 3 series, along with Naruto and Bleach. It is still one of the most famous series. Currently, it is made in the Toei Animation studio and produced by Shueisha, Toei and FujiTV. It still has incredible viewership and high ratings.

The Wano Arc of One Piece saw a change in staff and a huge increase in quality. After suffering for a few years, the anime has greatly improved its production design and pacing, trying to restore it to its former glory.

The lockdown will go for some time so if you are bored, make sure to check our best 2020 anime article and sites to watch anime online.

One Piece Chapter 979 and Kimetsu no Yaiba 204 will be releasing soon so make sure to read them as well.

[Update] New Update On Twitter

So a new update has been posted on twitter where Sanda, one of the key one piece animators have posted that they have started working on the One Piece Episode 937.


So as we expected, the work from home has started for all the staff and everyone is working from home to get the anime started and we can’t wait to watch what happens in the upcoming Episode 930.

As you will read below, the release date has not been announced yet, but we think that it will be ready to air by the last week of June 2020.

So I think that One Piece Episode 930 release date is last week June 2020. This is almost sure, but we will keep you updated if more changes are made.

If not June, then the first week of July is confirmed for sure. We are continously checking Twitter for all the latest updates.

Let us have a quick recap of Episode 929 first before we start with the new release date for the upcoming One Piece Episode 930.

One Piece Episode 929 Recap:

In Ringo, Kanjuro reunites with Robin, Brook, Nami and Shinobu. They discuss the current situation of the flower capital. Robin has successfully fled from her pursuers and so did Nami and Shinubo from the Oniwabanshu.

Kanjuro tells them about the former Yakuza Boss, Hyogoro of the Flowers. The new boss Kyoshiro displayed his cruelty by murdering Oiran Komamurasaki.

The girls decide to visit a bathhouse. Brook informs that he has found a Red Ponegliff in Onigashima, but couldn’t take the reading.

In Ebisu Town, Law, Usopp, Sanji and Franky meet up. Sanji laments the death of Komamurasaki. Sanji decides to try out his raid suit in the bathhouse. Law notices Captain Kidd’s escape from Udon and tells how Kidd infiltrated and got captured.

However, since his ally Captain Hawkins was there, Law wasn’t surprised. They realize Luffy might cause more of a ruckus in Udon prison.

Near Wano, in the oceans, the children of Big Mom discuss the situation. Perospero says that Mom’s death means he will be the next captain, as he is the oldest. However, Daifugu retorts the Katakuri will be captain since he’s the most capable and the strongest ones.

Smoothie chimes in that Mom is extremely strong and won’t die easily. She is also a former crewmate of Kaido. They have to search for her.

We now see Big Mom in amnesia, Chopper, O-Kiki, Tama and Momonosuke traveling towards Udon on a sharkodile to rescue Luffy. Mama is hungry. Hitetsu asks Tama to return but she declines. Surprisingly, Big Mom wants to share her food with others, since they were kind to her.

Momo practices his swordmanship and chants ‘Sunacchi’, but O-Kiku forbids him from using the chant. The chant is an old dialect of Kuri and Zoro taught it to him. O-Kiku proceeds to explain the geography of Wano.

In Udon prison, an old man is extremely fatigued by the tough work. He hasn’t had food in days and is weakened. However, if he fails to work, he won’t get food either. All he can do is wait for death. Near him, Luffy easily does immense amounts of work, even while wearing Seastone Shackles. Luffy is training to get stronger.

He takes pity on the man and gives a few meal tickets to him happily. The old man is filled with gratitude and gets some dumplings to eat. A Gifter-rank prison guard, Alpaca-man, is annoyed by Luffy and spits on him constantly.

Daifugo, a Headliner guard, discovers the meal tickets in the old man’s hands. He punishes the old man for lying. The old man still eats the dumplings since he is grateful to Luffy. Seeing this torture, Luffy gets incredibly enraged at the guards.

However, there are prison rules and breaking those results in amputation and death and now fans are waiting to watch Episode 930 of One Piece anime.

One Piece Episode 930 Predictions


From the ending scene, they showed that in the next episode, i.e, One Piece Ep 930. Luffy will defeat Daifugo and beat up other prison guards. Raizo has appeared in prison. A fat guy, with Queen flags, is heading towards Udon.

Luffy fighting with prison guards is a grave offense and he will definitely be sentenced to death. However, will he manage to escape the prison before that? Or will he face the challenge of execution? We know Captain Kidd escaped even though he was kept in Luffy’s cell. So it is not impossible.

Who is this fat guy? Is his name Queen? If yes, why is he a performer? Why is he a plague? He seems to be an important person and given the title, he definitely will be impressive. Is he the vice-captain of Kaido? Or maybe he is the leader of the headliners.

It is possible that he is of the same rank as Jack the Drought. We say this because of their naming similarities, that is, Jack and Drought and Queen and Plague.

The is a striking similarity between Boss Hyogoro and this old man Luffy saved. Both have glasses, curly everybrows and hair and both have a flower tattoo on their shoulders. Are they the same person? Or maybe they’re related. One Piece Episode 930 will shed more details on this.

Black Clover Episode 133 and Boruto Episode 155 has been delayed because of the pandemic as well and there’s no news of their release yet just like episode 930.

One Piece Episode 930 New Release Date:

One Piece Episode 930, titled: “A Lead Performer! Queen the Plague Emerges!” was supposed to release on April 26th, 2020. However, with the anime going to hiatus, it has been postponed.

For now, Fuji Tv, the original One Piece broadcaster, will start a rerun of the Wano arc, going back to Episode 892. Based on that, we know that this hiatus can last up to 38 weeks. But that is extremely unlikely to happen.


We believe the Quarantine will end in a month or two and that is when the re-run will be cancelled and the normal broadcasting will resume, starting with One Piece Episode 930. We can expect it to air, somewhere along the last week of June or maybe July.

Plunderers Episode 17 and Tower of God Episode 6 will be releasing soon, so check them out as well.

One Piece Episode 801

Where to Watch One Piece Episode 930 Online?

One Piece anime is television broadcasted on Fuji TV, Korean Broadcasting System and Spacetoon. However, it is also available for streaming, on Crunchyroll. The dubbed version is available for streaming on the Funimation website.

We know that in June, Netflix will start streaming the First 2 sagas of One Piece, that is, East Blue and Alabasta Saga. This was said in the tweet made by NXonNetflix.

One Piece New Episode 930

We shared articles on sites to watch One Piece and sites to read One Piece manga, so make sure to check them out.

One Piece New Episode 830 Episode

Here’s the preview of the upcoming Episode 930 of One Piece.