Mario 64 Wad Pal

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I wonder if with this port it is possible to run Super Mario 64 natively at 720p or 1080p 16:9 on Wii U (since the Virtual Console version was stuck at 480p with a 4:3 aspect) or at least run mods with better 3D models. You can right click on the WAD, Go to 'Change Region' and click PAL It should be done in 1-2 Minutes. When done, you can freely take your USB/SD and plug it on the Wii. Yoshi's Story is a side-scrolling platform game published and developed by Nintendo for the Nintendo 64.It was first released in Japan in December 1997, and worldwide the following year. It was re-released on the Wii's Virtual Console service in 2007, and later for the Wii U's Virtual Console in 2016. Development was handled by Nintendo EAD and led by Hideki Konno and Takashi Tezuka.

< Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64)
This page contains changes which are not marked for translation.
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  1. Super Mario 64 Super Mario series. Any region USA / NTSC EUR / PAL JPN / NTSC. Any platform Nintendo 64 Wii Virtual Console Wii U Virtual.
  2. On June 20, 1996, again renamed Nintendo 64 was released in Japan along with the Super Mario 64 and the other two games. In the same year, on September 26 it was released in the US, and later in other countries. Console instantly became a hit, but the limitations in the.

This is a sub-page of Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64).

  • 1General Differences
  • 2Voice Acting
  • 3Level Changes
  • 4Glitches
  • 6Shindou Pak Taiou Version

General Differences

Title Screen

Japan/North AmericaEuropeShindouiQue

  • The SUPER MARIO 64 logo was squashed a bit in the European version and it was completely changed in iQue.
  • The 'TM' texture has 3 different colors and a different font in Europe, Shindou and iQue (JP/US white, PAL orange, Shindou/iQue blue)
  • The copyright info was also updated to reflect the European and Shindou releases, and iQue, in addition, that iQue has an extra copyright year (2003, the year that the iQue was released).

Mario's Head

  • The intro screen says PRESS START in the US and Japanese versions, but just START in the European version. The Shindou version has a unique graphic on the bottom right of the screen. The background was changed in the iQue version, just to let you know what version you're playing.

Game Over

  • Speaking of background change above, this one from the 'Game Over' screen was also changed in the iQue version.

File Select

  • In the European version, the options menu has three different languages, but the American and Japanese versions don't have a language selection, with the options menu containing only sound options and the language being locked into English or Japanese, respectively. Because of this, the European version has the 'Sound' button changed to 'Options'.
  • In the US/EU version, a Mario's head icon replaces the word 'Mario' (マリオ) on the left of letter of which save file high scores belong to.
  • The iQue version uses two pages to display score info due to the larger Chinese characters, thus you change between them with L and R, making this the only version of Super Mario 64 to give a function to the L button.

Hud Textures

  • The unused 'key' HUD icon was removed from the international versions. It appears as a garbled mess in the US version, and as a silver-blue Ü in the European version.
Ä (ae)Ö (oe)Ü (ue)
  • In the European version, the 'German Umlauts' (Ä, Ö and Ü) were added. However the Ü isn't used anywhere in the game.
  • The V and Z alphabet tiles were re-added in the European version of Super Mario 64.

Peach's Letter

English Localization
JapanTranslationEnglish Localization
  • In Peach's letter to Mario, the English version adds a personal greeting to the beginning and a 'Peach' signature in pink ink to the end.
(Source: The Mushroom Kingdom)


  • The gameplay demo of Mario battling Bowser is missing in the Japanese version. The other gameplay demos are still present.
  • To talk to NPCs or read signs, the player has to press the B button in the Japanese version. Overseas, either the A button or the B button can be used. The text was not changed to compensate for this and still mentions only the B button. The interaction radius has also been made a bit more lenient.
  • The American version has code to detect a PAL TV and change its output accordingly, which is odd given there is a separate European version for PAL regions. The Japanese version doesn't have this code.
  • In the Japanese version, coins could land on the void and stay there. Later versions despawn any coins that land on the void.
  • In the Japanese version, MIPS has the same speed both times he spawns in the basement. In all other versions, MIPS is slightly slower the first time he spawns (at 15 stars). MIPS also has significantly less gravity in the Japanese version.

Voice Acting


Mario doesn't say a few lines in the Japanese version:

  • 'Hello!' when his disembodied head greets you.
  • 'Okey-dokey!' when you choose a save file.
  • 'Let's-a go!' when you choose a star.
  • 'Game over!' when you run out of lives.
  • 'Press START to play!' when you are watching the demo.
  • 'D'oh!' when you long jump or dive into a wall. He instead says 'Uhn!' like when Mario hits a wall any other way.
  • 'Boing!' when you jump off a Spindrift.
  • 'Wha-ha!' or 'Yipee!' when you Triple Jump. He instead only says 'Yahoo!' which can also randomly happen in the international versions.
  • 'Ha ha!' when leaping out of the pipe in the intro. He still says it after a backflip.
  • Mario doesn't say 'Mamma mia!' when falling out of a non-painting course after he loses a life in the Japanese version. He does in the international versions.
  • 'So long, eh Bowser!' when you throw Bowser far away (since his name is 'King Koopa' in Japan). He instead still says 'Here we go!' like when you're throwing him a short distance away.
  • His 'I'm-a tired!' and dreams about pasta while idling are missing.


Princess Peach doesn't have any voice acting in the original Japanese release during the beginning and final cutscenes. This was added for all other versions.

Level Changes

Inside Castle

Peach Secret Slide Room


Hard to see at first, a wall texture was moved a bit in the American version.


There's a miscolored 'red' wall on that corner in the Japanese version, this was corrected in the American Version.

(Source: ProjectRevoTPP, JoshDemon)

Jolly Roger Bay


In the Japanese version, the painting of Jolly Roger Bay is essentially water with some bubbles added in. It also was unique in that it did not have a gold frame (sported by almost every other painting in the game, excluding the Wet-Dry World painting). In the American version, the painting has been changed and the frame was made golden. For some reason, all versions of Super Mario 64 DS use the Japanese picture.


In the level itself, the Star on the stone pillar is out in the open in the Japanese version, but contained inside a ! box in the American version, probably to make the Star's position not too obvious. Again, all versions of the DS remake leave the star out like in the Japanese release.

Cool Cool Mountain


When you take the baby penguin to its mother, the Power Star is placed right above the mother in the Japanese version. This was probably a bit hard to collect, so the Star was moved next to the pool in the American version.

Big Boo's Haunt

When Mario stops touching the tilting platform on the second floor of Big Boo's Haunt, the platform immediately starts to return to its original position in the Japanese version. In the American version, it continues to tilt in the direction Mario was standing for about half a second.

Rainbow Ride

US/EU/JP (Shindou)

In the original Japanese version, the pole located above one of the four rotating platforms has four small blue arrows around its top, similar to a rose compass. These arrows were removed in all other versions.


Some glitches which were present in the Japanese version have been fixed for the American release.

1000 Coin Glitch

It's possible to collect more than 999 coins (for instance, grabbing the coins generated by Bowser's fire), at which point the coin counter gets forced back to 999. A bug in the Japanese version causes it to instead try to set the life counter to 999. Since the life counter is only 8 bits, this becomes -25, which is displayed as M25 in the game. (M is used in the place of a minus sign. This is also seen in the debug displays.) If you then try talking to Yoshi without entering a new course to reset the invisible coin counter, the game will lock up. He'll try to give you 100 total lives, but the game will continuously set Mario's life total to -25 each frame, and you'll be stuck on the roof with Yoshi while the 'counting' sound effect continuously playing.

The lines of code relevant to this glitch were included in game.c in the July 2020 source code leak. While the glitch has been fixed, the relevant lines have a comment that reads 'JPBUG.'

Presumably the glitch came from copy-pasting the logic from the first line into the second and forgetting to change one of the variables:

if (marioWorks->ncoins > 999) marioWorks->nlifes = 999; /* OOPS! */

  • In the Japanese version, when Bowser is defeated and leaves behind the key, run to where the key will land and press C-Up and look somewhere. Mario will keep looking that way during the key collection cutscene.
    • Further, the key collection cutscene shows a Star instead of a key; early footage (see right) of the first Bowser fight shows him leaving behind a Star upon defeat, suggesting that this is a very old leftover.
(Source: darkeye14)
  • In both Bowser in the Sky and Shifting Sand Land's pyramid, it is possible to trigger a bug that causes the music to stop. Attempting to leave the course will cause the game to freeze.
  • If you exit a level while on a falling bridge block, upon returning to the castle, Mario will clip through the first thing he stands on.
  • An exploit was fixed where the game freezes all surroundings except for Mario himself when a text box is queued up, but doesn't actually check whether Mario can receive the text box (is standing on solid ground), thus allowing to move around in a frozen world where no objects update (collected stars don't disappear, doors don't open, etc.) as long as you stay in mid-air. Notable applications included the cap switches, the boos in Big Boo's Haunt Star 1, and Ukiki in Tall Tall Mountain.
  • If you take a warp while racing Koopa the Quick in Course 1 (Bob-omb Battlefield), the race music will change back to the regular course music.
  • On the first star of Big Boo's Haunt, there is one Boo in the room with the Mr. I where you get the Star 'Eye to Eye in the Secret Room'. In the Japanese version this Boo counts towards the five boos required to spawn the Big Boo; if this Boo is killed last, the text box won't show up and the jingle won't play due to the Big Boo downstairs being despawned. The later versions added a check so only the five boos on the lower floors count.
  • In the Japanese version, Bowser's collision doesn't despawn when he is defeated at the end of Bowser in the Sky, so Mario will still be able to collide with him as if he were there.
  • In the Japanese version, King Bob-omb's velocity is not set to zero when he despawns, i. e. by warping away from the battle. As a result, if you start the battle, warp away using the warp right below him, warp back and then talk to him, he will move away while the text box is up.
  • The Japanese version has a camera glitch. If Mario grabs a Wing Cap and triple jumps to take off but dives or ground pounds after the camera moves close but before he actually starts flying, the camera will stay behind Mario as if he were still in flight.
  • When Piranha Plants are killed and then despawn during the death animation due to being too far away, the Japanese version will simply interrupt the death animation and patiently wait for the player to return to finish the death animation. Trying to do this in later versions will reset the Piranha Plants.
  • Mario takes damage from bumping into a sleeping Piranha Plant in the Japanese version only. In later versions he will not take damage from this action.
  • Dying from fall damage while falling into the trigger for the Lakitu cutscene at the very beginning of the game causes a softlock in the Japanese version.

Sound Effect Changes

To do:
Upload and compare these sounds (ripped not recorded because of US and Japanese console pitch differences).

Japanese to US

  • The Chain Chomp makes a totally different barking sound in the Japanese version.
  • When collecting Red Coins, the Japanese version uses a different sound that doesn't increase in pitch with each successive coin. This also applies to secrets (for the stars that require finding five 'secrets' on the course) and the water rings in Dire Dire Docks.
  • Finding the secret shortcut on the slide of Cool Cool Mountain does not play a jingle in the Japanese version. The object that plays this jingle is missing entirely.
  • Hitting a cap switch does not play a jingle in the Japanese version.
  • The Big Boo in the merry-go-round of Big Boo's Haunt plays the sound effect normally used for opening the chests in Jolly Roger's Bay when he spawns, this was changed to the standard jingle in later versions.
  • In all versions other than the Japanese version, coins stop playing a sound for every consecutive bounce after the 5th.
  • The Japanese version is missing certain sound effects in the game's opening, specifically the 'whoosh' when Lakitu is flying, the 'click' when the camera goes into his point of view, and the 'boing' when Mario jumps out of the pipe.
  • The warping sound effect heard when exiting a course without getting a Star is absent in the Japanese version, and the star sound effect doesn't play when entering certain 'mini-courses' like the Tower of the Wing Cap.
  • An audio cue titled 'Lakitu's Message' was added when Lakitu flies up to Mario to introduce himself and explain the camera controls. Thus, it isn't in the official soundtrack.
  • Money Bags don't make a sound when they turn back into a coin in the Japanese version.
  • The flying ship on Rainbow Ride is silent in the Japanese version.
  • The buzz when trying to zoom out the camera while the camera is already zoomed out is missing in the Japanese version.
(Source: The Mushroom Kingdom)

US to European

  • In the intro, when Mario jumps out of the pipe and the pipe goes back into the ground, a variation of the classic Mario 'pipe sound' is heard in the US version. This sound has been made a lot quieter in the European version, almost down to where you can't hear it.
  • Bowser's doors have completely different sounds for opening and closing in the US version. In the European version, they sound pretty much the same.
  • The yellow coin collecting sound is slightly slowed down in the European version.
  • When letting go of Mario's face when playing around with it, the European version's sound is in a lower pitch.

Shindou Pak Taiou Version

A Japanese re-release that could be primarily considered an 'International Edition', as it includes nearly all the changes to the international version.

It fixes the 'backwards long jump' glitch, adds Rumble Pak support, and makes Mario face the screen after grabbing a tree.

The only other difference was Mario's taunt when swinging Bowser far away ('Buh-bye!', rather than 'So long, eh Bowser!', or just 'Here we go!' in the original Japanese release), as Bowser is normally called Koopa in Japan. The 'Buh-bye!' clip is slowed down compared to the sound clip in the DS version and the first and second jump sounds are higher in pitch from their international counterparts.

First Jump

Second Jump


The 'Buh-bye!' clip was sped up and reused for Sleep Mode in Super Mario 64 DS and New Super Mario Bros., and once again when throwing Bowser far away in the former game.

(Source: Super Mario 64 - Tree Grab differences between versions w/ comparison)

New Feature

A neat Easter egg was added to the 'Press Start' screen: pressing Z makes the background get filled out with images of Mario's face. This is taken from the frame buffer, so the faces move alongside the modeled Mario face. This is still present in the iQue Player version.

Text Differences

The Shindou version insists you can use A as an alternative to B for interacting with things. Non-Japanese scripts are based on the original Japanese version. The localized English version is also present to complete the comparison.

JapanTranslationEnglish LocalizationShindou Pak Taiou VersionTranslation

Virtual Console version

The Wii Virtual Console version of Super Mario 64 contains a floating-point rounding error as a result of an emulation inaccuracy. This results in the platforms in Bowser in the Fire Sea slowly moving up with every cycle, allowing the level to be beaten with zero A presses and a lot of patience (72 hours as of currently).

This bug was fixed with all later Nintendo 64 games released via Virtual Console, as well as the Wii U VC version of Super Mario 64.

Super Mario 3D All-Stars

To do:
Add some screenshots/ripped textures for comparison?

The version included in Super Mario 3D All-Stars is based on the Shindou Pak Taiou version, with some textures being redrawn in a higher resolution (most notably the HUD and Mario's textures). Certain textures that were based on pre-existing artwork, like the Bowser puzzle, use higher resolution prints of said artwork, and most other textures, like the Hazy Maze Cave map, were upscaled using AI. The new textures are patched in on the fly as the game runs. For languages other than English, the text is translated accordingly.

Retrieved from ''
020209C8 E3A09C15
D2000000 00000000
020B227C E3A02B07
5211530C E59F205C
D2000000 00000000
Open All Doors
02144D44 EA00007B
02145CD8 EA000041

520EF690 1A000009
D2000000 00000000
521118AC E1A04000
D2000000 00000000
Toad Doesn't Talk
02129570 E12FFF1E

52127054 E3A000DE
D2000000 00000000
Freeze Drawbridge Lethal Lava Land
02111B98 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
No Thwomps
02133038 E3A0147F

5202A6F4 E3A0C001
023E8000 E1D100D0
023E8008 A3A00008
D2000000 00000000
Only 1 Red Coin Needed
020B17A0 E3500001

520C11AC E1A00004
D2000000 00000000
520394AC 0A000007
023E8010 E92D0100
023E8018 E2888A9B
023E8020 E5988098
023E8028 13A00000
023E8030 E3500000
D2000000 00000000

521183B0 E3510000
02136C08 EA000000
D2000000 00000000
Immune to Water Bubbles
0213B750 E1A00000

52111D48 E12FFF1E
D2000000 00000000
Always Select Right Chest Jolly Roger Bay
0211A5FC E1A00001

520CF0D8 E3500003
D2000000 00000000
Disable Celing Collision
020CF0C0 EA000048

520E503C 1A000001
D2000000 00000000
No Mega Mushroom Size Changes
020C813C E3A02A01
020E53DC E1A00000

520D93D0 E1510004
D2000000 00000000
Map Select
0202AED8 E3A00002
Load Save.
Remove Menu Battery Icon
0203088C E1A00000

Mario 64 Wii Wad

Remove Upper-Screen Stars in Menus
020C0EB0 E12FFF1E
No Underwater Fog
5202B680 E24DD004
0202B67C E12FFF1E
D2000000 00000000
520D924C E1A00005
D2000000 00000000
Walk Through Walls
02035E6C E1A00000
02035BD4 E1A00000
02035BA0 E1A00000
02035C0C E1A00000
02010D64 EA000009

520F2354 E3A01080
020F236C E1A00000

5201CA18 012FFF1E
0201CA08 E3A00001

52013648 E12FFF1E
D2000000 00000000
Open Doors Without Stars
02145C98 E3A000FF
D2000000 00000000
Infinite Cap Time
020E5008 E3A00001
D2000000 00000000
Unlock Wing Cap Stage in Lobby
02111D34 E350000F
520CAC7C E350000E
D2000000 00000000
Skip Intro
02013DF4 E3811088

520BF31C E19020B2
020FF174 7FFF7FFF

020FF144 1D1E1C66
D2000000 00000000
020D8E70 E12FFF1E

520CED44 E2800001
D2000000 00000000
Coin Counter Always Onscreen
020FC918 E3A0001C

520B1920 E350000F
D2000000 00000000
020FD5E0 E12FFF1E

No Minimap Objects Except Player Character
520FA56C E3A09000
020FA568 E1A00000
020FA4A4 E1A00000
020FA38C E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
520FCF1C E3510000
020FCA4C EA000050
020FCC40 E1A00000

5214A2DC 03A00001
0214A3BC EA00000E

52144E28 EB000055
D2000000 00000000
Infinite Walk on Water
020E4F90 E1A00000

520C2B18 E3500001
020C2B6C E3A00001

52145CB8 A3A00000
D2000000 00000000
All Stars Availabile on Star Select
020B00A4 E3A00001
020B005C E3A00001

5202A69C E1D000D0
0202A698 E12FFF1E
Infinite Draw a Picture Ink
020C6634 E2800000
D2000000 00000000

Mario 64 Wad Pal Iso

Rabbits Always Shiny When Spawned
5212CB08 3A00000A
0212CAF8 E3A00000
D2000000 00000000
Freeze Rabbits
0212B4B4 E12FFF1E
Mario 64 Wad Pal
52014B84 5041A002
D2000000 00000000
E92D0002 E3500AC7
E1510008 08BD0002
E8BD0002 E3560000
02014BE4 E1A00000
D2000000 00000000
Disable Bubble Spawn
0213BA4C E3A0147F

520F0778 1A000004
D2000000 00000000
5211B908 E5C21000
D2000000 00000000
Always Guess Right Boom Box
0211B878 E1A00000

520DF340 E3500000
D2000000 00000000
Always Guess Right Tox Box Shuffle
020DF488 E1A01002

520D0088 E1C210B0
D2000000 00000000
Super Mario Slot Infinite Coins
0210C324 E3A00000
D2000000 00000000
Memory Master Infinite Coins
020B51B4 E3A00000

520B5B6C E583C000
020B5ACC E3A02000

Super Mario 64 Multiplayer Wad

52013DE0 E5841000
D2000000 00000000
Start as Luigi

Super Mario 64 Wad Pal Wii

02013DDC E3A00001

Super Mario 64 Wad Wii

52013DE0 E5841000
D2000000 00000000
D2000000 00000000
Snowball Slalom Infinite Time
02128974 E1A00000

520F1290 E1C210B0

Mario 64 Wad Pal Full

020F120C E12FFF1E

520137F4 E12FFF1E

Mario Kart 64 Wad Pal

020137E8 E3A000FF
D2000000 00000000